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How It Works

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Upload Excel files from your EHR

No need for heavy integrations and implementation delays.

  • Export records from your EHR
  • Upload them into the Tensor dashboard
  • Set the AI to work
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Tensor AI starts making calls

The Tensor phone AI uses the records that you imported in step 1 to make phone calls on your behalf.

  • See status on ongoing calls
  • Review call transcripts & outcomes
  • Set rules & schedules to manage calls
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Your team is always in the loop

If the Tensor phone AI needs help, it will transfer the call to someone on your team who can take over.

  • Escalate only the most challenging calls to your team
  • The AI puts the call on hold while your teammate joins
  • Your teammate sees the call transcript & the AI's reason for escalation
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Analytics & insights

Tensor tracks every call and shows statistics to help you understand the health of your business. Identify trends to save time & bring in more revenue for your practice.

  • Total prior authorization volume
  • Average call time
  • Top claim denial reasons

Never pick up the phone again

Tensor automates workflows across patient access, clinical workflows, and revenue cycle management.

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Patient Access

Patient Intake & Scheduling

Save time taking patient's information and scheduling appointments over the phone.

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Revenue Cycle Management

Prior Authorization & Referrals

Automate your prior authorizations -- for good. When all else fails, and you need to pick up the phone, now you can delegate those calls to Tensor.

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Patient Access

Verification of Benefits

Instead of reaching for the phone to verify elegibility and benefits, send it to our AI to handle.

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Revenue Cycle Management

Payor Follow-up

Tensor automatically follows up – calling the payor to get updates on outstanding requests.

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Transition of Care

Free your nurses up from hours of tedioius calls to patients. Let Tensor handle them.


We've got you covered

Our template covers all things SAAS. If you don't find what you're looking for, contact us and we'll either help you or steer you in the right direction.

Bring Your Own Framework

Build your site using React, Svelte, Vue, Preact, web components, or just plain ol' HTML + JavaScript.

100% Static HTML, No JS

Astro renders your entire page to static HTML, removing all JavaScript from your final build by default.

On-Demand Components

Need some JS? Astro can automatically hydrate interactive components when they become visible on the page.

Broad Integration

Astro supports TypeScript, Scoped CSS, CSS Modules, Sass, Tailwind, Markdown, MDX, and any other npm packages.

SEO Enabled

Automatic sitemaps, RSS feeds, pagination and collections take the pain out of SEO and syndication. It just works!


Astro is an open source project powered by hundreds of contributors making thousands of individual contributions.

Leave phone calls to us.

Offload your expensive, time-consuming calls to the Tensor AI.

Schedule a call